Birth with Confidence is a HypnoBirthing® International – Australia’s leading holistic pregnancy program – with evidence showing that the 5-session structure provides a continuity of care approach with proven success.
We know that HypnoBirthing® mums have:
- Less fear approaching birth
- Fewer interventions and surgical births – A reduction in caesareans by 61%, and a reduction in epidural use by 56% from our National average
- Decreased use of oxytocics
- Shorter labours
- Fewer pre-term and low-weight babies
- Lessened or eliminated need for analgesia – 77% of HypnoBirthing®mothers who birthed vaginally did so without an epidural
- Happier and content mothers and babies
- Alert babies who able to feed successfully almost immediately
- Few cases of post-partum depression reported
- Infants with higher than average APGAR score
- Easier and prolonged breastfeeding
HypnoBirthing® prides itself on a powerful concept – FTP = Fear. Tension. Pain. When we are in fear, our body will tense up, when our body is tense we are more susceptible to feeling pain. We know this of our muscle’s physical response to fear, why would it be different for birthing? Why does birthing need to be painful? The other muscles in our body when they are doing their normal, intended purpose are not painful – does your heart hurt while pumping blood around your body? Does your stomach hurt while digesting food? No. So why do we expect that our uterine muscles need to hurt to birth our baby? The answer comes back to fear – we have been programmed to associate birth with pain. We are told that it hurts – so we believe it. We approach it with fear, this leads to tension so, of course, pain will also occur. What if we could remove that fear – we would then remove the tension and, subsequently, not experience pain.
This program will give you a comprehensive toolkit of strategies to eliminate fear; to trust in your baby and your body to instinctually, safely and comfortably birth your baby.
Affirmations and visualisations are a vital part of the program. What you tell your body to do, it will do. If you tell your body it is strong, powerful, calm, confident, safe, capable – it will be!
Breathing and relaxation practice will allow you to birth comfortably and trust in your body. You are safe, supported and relaxed.
You will be educated and supported through the Fourth Trimester – breastfeeding, sleep and what to expect is a perfect way to finish the program.
The inclusion of a Birth Companion throughout the program is proven to enhance our positive outcomes and lead to post-natal success. Dads/partners love being a part of knowing how to support the birthing mother and really enjoy the sense of calm that is so evident by the end of the classes.
If you are looking for a positive, transformational and empowering birth experience, please get in touch with me. I would love to share this special journey with you – I am here to support you.
Yours in pregnancy, birth and post-natal support,
Courtney Nutter
Additional data:
Recent Statistics From Our HypnoBirthing Parents:
- Only 12.8 % reported a C-section – against our national average of 33%
- Only 20.43% had an epidural – against our national average of 46.5%
This is a reduction in C-sections by 61%, and a reduction in epidural use by 56%.
- 65.27% went into labour spontaneously without any effort to get it started.
- 12.27% used natural methods to initiate labour, and only 21.86 % were induced by their care providers.
- Of those in this group that did have intervention or procedures, only 5.25% said that the procedures or interventions were done without their full understanding or permission.
- 82.32% of births ended with mother and baby skin to skin immediately or within the first hour after birth.
Contact Courtney from Birth With Confidence
Website –
Phone – 0419 566 967
Email – [email protected]